Maarj, Muhammad. Assessment and management of children and adolescents with symptomatic hypermobility. 2024.
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Maarj, Muhammad, Pacey, Verity, Tofts, Louise, Clapham, Matthew, Coda, Andrea. MDPI AG; 2023. The Impact of Podiatric Intervention on the Quality of Life and Pain in Children and Adolescents with Hypermobility.
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Maarj, Muhammad, Coda, Andrea, Tofts, Louise, Williams, Cylie, Santos, Derek, Pacey, Verity. BioMed Central; 2021. Outcome measures for assessing change over time in studies of symptomatic children with hypermobility: a systematic review.
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Maarj, Muhammad, Pacey, Verity, Tofts, Louise, Clapham, Matthew, Girones Garcia, Xavier, Coda, Andrea. JMIR Publications, Inc.; 2022. Validation of an Electronic Visual Analog Scale App for Pain Evaluation in Children and Adolescents with Symptomatic Hypermobility: Cross-sectional Study.